Fuchen Ma

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PhD student, Tencent Elite Talent
Software System Security Assurance Group - WingTecher Lab,
Tsinghua University (THU)
Beijing, China
Email: fuchenma525@gmail.com
Google Scholar Profile: Fuchen Ma at Google Scholar

About me

I received my Ph.D in Tsinghua University advised by Jiaguang Sun and Yu Jiang, in 2024. I'm interested in the research of the new design and the security of blockchain systems. In 2021, I was chosen to be the MVP of FISCO-BCOS community. In addition, I was selected into Tencent Elite Talent Training Program in 2020. If you are interested in my research or have any questions, please feel free to contact with me.


My research interests include

Recent Publications


  1. When Fuzzing Meets LLMs: Challenges and Opportunities (FSE-IVR’24)[PDF]
    Y Jiang, J Liang, F Ma, Y Chen, C Zhou, Y Shen, Z Wu, J Fu, M Wang, S Li, and Q Zhang

  2. Overview of Cryptographic Library Fuzz Testing Techniques (Journal of CryptoLogic Research ’24)[PDF]
    F Ma, Y Zhou, Y Chen, Z Yan, Y Jiang, and J Sun

  3. Stop Pulling my Rug: Exposing Rug Pull Risks in Crypto Token to Investors (ICSE’24)[PDF]
    Y Zhou, J Sun, F Ma, Y Chen, Z Yan, and Y Jiang

  4. Chronos: Finding Timeout Bugs in Practical Distributed Systems by Deep-Priority Fuzzing with Transient Delay (S&P’24)[PDF]
    Y Chen, F Ma, Y Zhou, M Gu, Q Liao, and Y Jiang


  1. CLFuzz: Vulnerability Detection of Cryptographic Algorithm Implementation via Semantic-Aware Fuzzing (TOSEM’23)[PDF]
    Y Zhou, F Ma, Y Chen, M Ren, and Y Jiang

  2. Phoenix: Detect and Locate Resilience Issues in Blockchain via Context-Sensitive Chaos (CCS’23)[PDF]
    F Ma, Y Chen, Y Zhou, Jingxuan Sun, Z Su, Y Jiang, Jiaguang Sun, H Li

  3. LOKI: State-Aware Fuzzing Framework for the Implementation of Blockchain Consensus Protocols (NDSS’23)[PDF]
    F Ma, Y Chen, M Ren, Y Zhou, Y Jiang, T Chen, H Li, J Sun

  4. Tyr: Finding Consensus Failure Bugs in Blockchain System with Behaviour Divergent Model (S&P’23)[PDF]
    Y Chen, F Ma, Y Zhou, Y Jiang, T Chen, J Sun


  1. Pied-Piper: Revealing the Backdoor Threats in Ethereum ERC Token Contracts (TOSEM’22)[PDF]
    F Ma, M Ren, L Rong, Y Chen, J Zhu, T Chen, Y Zheng, X Dai, Y Jiang, J Sun

  2. Scanner++: Enhanced Vulnerability Detection of Web Applications with Attack Intent Synchronization (TOSEM’22)[PDF]
    Z Yin, Y Xu, F Ma, H Gao, L Qiao, Y Jiang

  3. V-Gas: Generating High Gas Consumption Inputs to Avoid Out-of-Gas Vulnerability (TOIT’22)[PDF]
    F Ma, M Ren, Y Fu, W Sun, H Song, H Shi, Y Jiang, H Li


  1. Pluto: Exposing Vulnerabilities in Inter-Contract Scenarios (TSE’21)[PDF]
    F Ma, Z Xu, M Ren, Z Yin, Y Chen, L Qiao, B Gu, H Li, Y Jiang, J Sun

  2. Making Smart Contract Development More Secure and Easier (ESEC/FSE’21)[PDF]
    M Ren, F Ma, Z Yin, Y Fu, H Li, W Chang, Y Jiang

  3. SCStudio: A Secure and Efficient Integrated Development Environment for Smart Contracts. (ISSTA’21)[PDF]
    M Ren, F Ma, Z Yin, H Li, Y Fu, T Chen, Y Jiang

  4. Empirical Evaluation of Smart Contract Testing: What Is the Best Choice? (ISSTA’21)[PDF]
    M Ren, Z Yin, F Ma, Z Xu, Y Jiang, C Sun, H Li, Y Cai

  5. Security reinforcement for Ethereum virtual machine. (IPM’21) [PDF]
    F Ma, M Ren, Y Fu, M Wang, H Li, H Song, Y Jiang

  6. IntelliGen: Automatic Driver Synthesis for Fuzz Testing. (ICSE’21) [PDF]
    M Zhang, J Liu, F Ma, H Zhang, Y Jiang

  7. Poster: Fuzz Testing of Quantum Program. (ICST’21 Best Paper Award) [PDF]
    J Wang, F Ma, Y Jiang


  1. EVM*: From Offline Detection to Online Reinforcement for Ethereum Virtual Machine. (SANER’19)[PDF]
    F Ma, Y Fu, M Ren, M Wang, Y Jiang, K Zhang, H Li, X Shi

  2. EVMFuzzer: detect EVM vulnerabilities via fuzz testing. (ESEC/FSE’19) [PDF]
    Y Fu, M Ren, F Ma, H Shi, X Yang, Y Jiang, H Li, X Shi

  3. Enfuzz: Ensemble fuzzing with seed synchronization among diverse fuzzers. (USENIX Security’19)[PDF]
    Y Chen, Y Jiang, F Ma, J Liang, M Wang, C Zhou, X Jiao, Z Su


  1. Selected into Tencent Elite Talent Training Program

  2. 2021 MVP of FISCO-BCOS opensource community

  3. Best Paper Awards by ICST 2021

  4. FISCO National Blockchain Application Competition: Third Prize